District Calendar


NEXT PACK MEETING- AUGUST 27th 2002 at the Knights Hall

Summer Time is proving to be an Extremely busy time for Pack 717.  And so this Newsletter will begin with a list of Events, dates and times:

Family Camp
Sept 6th-8th
1200 Friday to 1200 Sunday
Camp Discovery on Scouters Mountain
Scouting at Troutdale Airport
Sept 14th
1:00 pm to 3:30 pm
Community Scouting Awareness event
Gresham Childrens Week
Sept 21st
10:00 to 4 pm
Community Scouting Awareness event
Pack Meeting/ Recruit night
Sep 24th
7:00 pm
At Knights hall
(regular meeting place)
Gresham Teddy Bear Parade
Sept 28th
Downtown Gresham

Here is a brief explination of these events:
Family Camp:  This Family camp will be up at Scouters Mountain at Camp Discovery.  We have invited Pack 235 to join us as the Camp site is huge and we always believe the the More the Merrier!
The Cost will be $10.00 per family.  That will offset the cost of the meals.  We will collect the funds at the August Pack Meeting which will be held August 27th at the Knights Hall.

Troutdale Airport Community Awareness Event: We are invited to set up a booth or just come and participate at the event.  It will be held in a hanger at the Troutdale Airport.  There will be 2 planes for Exploration. Additional aviation participants, a good see and do.

Gresham Childrens week:  There will be a petting zoo, games, and entertainment.  Again we are asked to set up and staff a booth that demonstates Scouting!  Jason has some good ideas.  Thunderbird Scouts will be putting on a Campfire at 3:30 pm in the middle of the Street.

Teddy bear Parade:  Another great way to have fun and get Scouting into the public view.  The boys had a great time at the Jr. Rose Parade, lets show our Scouting Spirit and march in the the Gresham Teddy Bear Parade!

So you can see, we have a busy schedule coming up and the Scouting year is just beginning!

Pack Committee Meeting Notes
Here are some notes from the last Pack committee meeting.
Committee discussed collecting pledge money from the Car wash.  We need to get the money in, so we can deposit it.  We need to know how much was made so we can better budget the rest of the Scout year.
Webeloes Summer Camp went GREAT!  The Webeloes will have stories to tell for years to come.
We have 25 people going to the Keiser Baseball game.
Lisa is working on getting all the Popcorn information, so we can get it out during the September Pack Meeting.  All proceeds from Popcorn sale that the Pack is returned will go to Scout accounts
Wreath sale-  We will do a wreath sale, funds to go into General Pack Fund.
New Business-
The Pack is purchasing Pack Master Software to maintain Pack records and administrative functions.  We are spending $75.00 for it, but it will be worth every penny spent.
Start putting together your ideas for Scouting for Food!
Flyers will be going out to Woodland Elementary on the 19th of September.  It will invite prspective boys to come to our September Pack meeting.
Family Camp.  Each Den needs to be prepared to do a skit and song for the Campfire.  Funds for Camp will be collected at the August Pack Meeting.

Pack want ads:

Wanted:  Help with Pack… must be a Parent of a Scout in the Pack, must have Scouting enthusiasm and willing to become an 8 year old from time to time.  Only takes about an hour a week.  The pay is terrible but the rewards are to many to list.
Positions available:
Assistant Den leaders
Pack Committee members
Pack Historian - official Picture taker!
Set up help/ Clean up help for Pack meetings
Good will/ Good turn Committee Chair
Tree Plant Chair
Flag plant Chair
Summer Camp Chair
Family Camp Chair
Pack Dialer- make phone calls
And all of this for the boys…what a great excuse to go to work for the Pack!
Contact Jerry if you are interested, he will explain the duties, but more importantly the benefits package!

Sure to be fun again!
We have the campsite from Friday 6 September till 1200 on the 8th.  You are all welcome to come up on Friday, but the Camp activities will not “Officially” start till Saturday Morning.  It looks as if manny of us are going to be up there Friday night, so come on up.
Saturday will be a busy day for Scouts and their families.  Saturday will conclude with a Campfire, filled with Song and Cheer.
We will be preparing 4 meals while in camp this time.. Breakfast Saturday, Lunch on Saturday and dinner.  Sunday we will prepare Breakfast.  A break down of who is cooking what will be coming up at the August Pack meeting.  So Be Prepared.

Adult leader training will be held October 19th from 9:30 to 4 pm and then again on November 2nd.  The Training will include Cub Scout Basic training followed by Leader specific.  The training will be conducted at the LDS Church at 3200 SE 182nd, right across from Centenial High School.  If you are a registered leader and have not been trained, please plan on attending One of these dates.
Please do the Fast Start training at and let Jerry know when you have completed it.  
It is very important that we have Trained Adult leaders.

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The Boy Scouts of AmericaPack  Troutdale, Oregon